Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Can you spot the difference?

 Today was my last session manaiakalani, ever! During this session we had to complete an unrealistic drawing. Helping me accomplishment this task, I used an online colouring booklet. You can make your own on your computer just go to this website Just click your on the picture you want to draw and start. 

Unfortunately, I couldn't pick between two so here they both are. I like the green one against the purple because it contrasts well. Though I also like the pink one because it is different and that fits the brief better. Personally, the sky is my favorite because it helps the storm feel along with the big waves.

Which one do you like more and why? The blue and white (bottom one) one is the original (not mine.) Can you spot the difference? 

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Do You Know This?

 During Manaiakalani, my classmates and I moved onto Smart Media for this term. Smart Media is the last step for us this year. To me smart media means three things news media, print media, and broadcast media. Broadcast media is sound such as radios and tv shows. Whereas print media is physical, this includes newspaper and magazines. Lastly, news media is basically the news such as online websites and the news show.

 For this project we used google drawing to create what ''media'' means to us. After I add the text I had to think about what each one was. I hope you learn something from this post. You can create your own poster on google drawing. Personally, I think google drawing is a good tool to use because you can work collaboratively with other people unlike canva and poster my wall. 

What does media mean to you?

Wednesday, September 23, 2020


Sharp is a group activity that we attend once a week to learn to think accurately while reading that is run by the teacher. During sharp we unpack sentences and read stories with a group of students at our level. By doing this weekly we improve our level of reading because we begin to deeply understand the texts.

After sharp, my classmates and I were set two tasks to do around the story we read. This task was to create a news interview; interviewing 2 people who attend the school in the story we read. To achieve this task I used wevideo. First I recorded the clips; then I edited them together.

Who would you like to be in this story?

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Can You Get These Right?

 Today in class during manaiakalani, we were challenged to share our maths in a way we wanted. Choosing to code a game, I came across a challenge. It was nobody could complete my game because the questions were to hard. To fix this I just came up with easy questions. 

I created it using scratch. When you search ''scratch'' on google click the first link, then follow the instructions and you can make your own game. The hard thing was remembering which codes to place so then the story would work. Though I found it easy to make up questions to use.

I hope you win!

Thursday, September 3, 2020

My Pepha

 In class during manaiakalani today, we learnt our pepha. A pepha is a piece that show who you are. Showing your ancestry, where you came from and how you get to where you are now, and your surroundings. Personally, I have known mine of by heart because I had to learn mine in primary school. Do you know yours?

I created this screencastify on Tour Builder to present it in a interesting way. I also made a hard copy on Poster My Wall. Though I struggled to spell all of the maori words; I found it easy to present it in interesting and different ways then the original idea. I hope you can learn more about me through this post. 

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Underwater Challenge!

Kia ora, this is my game. Our class has been going to Tonui Colab for 4 weeks. There we learnt new concepts, game development, and learnt about makecode arcade all in a collaborative environment. There we were split into 2 groups; rotating between 2 rooms. With the time split in half we spent 1 hour each week doing challenges and the other hour coding our games. 

On scratch we made our games. Designing the background and the player, I struggled to find a player relative to the game. Finally, after that and many other steps including coding on scratch, we ended with a completed game. I learnt a lot of new things doing this exercise. Unfortunately, we only had four sessions to build our games, they could have been better.

The concept of my game is set under water. On the top of my game there is bubbles; at the bottom is seaweed. With black ”rocks”  you have to jump on you have on to complete the game, collecting the little fish on the way.

What would you do if you made your game? What colour would your background be?

I hope you enjoy my game, click the link below to play -

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Can You Win?

In class, we were learning about making a game to teach younger kids about maori. Enjoying doing this activity, I thought it was a cool opportunity to teach other students something. This post and game was aimed at younger kids. Unfortunately, you might not learn as much because it is at an easier level.

Sarah and I created the game on scratch, using lots of different blocks to code. Finding it easy to find music to put in the background when you get it right or wrong. With pixel I created the bird and Sarah created the butterfly. In a process, we upload pictures then put colour on top of the original colour to make it look better. After that we made the images png. Finally, after a few more steps we had completed our game. I hope you enjoy it, Good Luck!

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Do you agree?

Today in class we had to write an essay. Using the app WTE, I created this piece. WTE is an online tool that teaches to write.  ON this app there is 12 different sentence styles; these improve your writing and make it more interesting. This app is good because it marks your work; giving you feedback. Luckily, WTE has modules and tasks as well teaching many skills.

Personally, I found it harder to write the essay then to show it in a eye catching and interesting way. How would you present your essay? What app would you use? Have you written an essay before? What was it about. 

Monday, June 29, 2020


In class during minakalani, we were learning the rules and regulations around copyright. There are a lot of rules around this topic, but these are in place to protect people's work. Mr Fourie taught us majority of these rules such as taking someone else's work you need to say were you got it from or the persons name.
We made this task to practice to remember putting people's names on their work. Using a template we had to fill the squares. In the squares there were requirements like how old we are or what's our favorite food.

Though I found it easy to decide what I was putting in the squares. Though I found it hard to say where the pictures came from.I really enjoyed finding the pictures.
I hope you enjoy my post -

Friday, June 19, 2020

Blue Bird!

In class during manaiakalani, we started designing a character for our game. We created these characters on app called piskel. This bird is blue, white, and yellow with a black outline. Struggling to make the outline a bird shape, I spent more time trying. After many tries this was the best outcome. I hope you can branch of my idea. 

Thursday, June 18, 2020


Today in class, we started using piskel. Piskel is an online app that you can use  create characters like mine or moving images for free. Using this app we had to design a character for a later project. My idea was a unicorn that pink, white, and grey. I hope you can branch of my ideas to create your own.  

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Under the Sea with Hannah and Georgia!

During minakalani in class today, we had to make a video using some maori words. We used an app that changes our voice recording to sound like were under water. What maori do you know?

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Carrying Your Crombook!

In class today we made videos to teach younger kids to look after their computers properly. I found it really easy to edit the video but I could not stop laughing to film the video. Do you forget close your chromebook screen?

Friday, May 22, 2020

Intro? Done, easy!

This is my introduction. We had to make them as we will now put them in front of all the videos we make. I found it really easy to do the transitions, but it was hard to find the photos. What would you do if you had to do this?

Monday, May 18, 2020

Lockdown Life in 30 Seconds!

My Lockdown Life has been jam packed and busy but I can't wait to go back to school. It was hard up loading the video to post it. I really like the way I took lots of short videos of different things then stuck them together. Are you excited to go back to school? Do you miss your friends? What did you do in lockdown?

Friday, May 15, 2020

Recycling? Easy!

Hi, I hope you are all excited as I am to get back school and go out to dinner. We were assigned a recycle challenge. We had to make something out of old things at home, I have made a doormat. I won the competition with 1st overall!

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Did You Know This?

Our class has done another ANZAC project; this time with partners, my partner was Sarah and I did a lot of research about the war as an overview but also for about families. I am proud of the finished product.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Colourful Canvus

Today for Manaiakalani we had to create a background related to the theme ANZAC. We had to create it on the app Canvas. Unfortunately I had uploading problems when I was adding it to my blog so I put it on a slide. I really liked the idea behind my picture. It is about how so many soldiers died alone during the war. I wanted to simberlise that they are not forgotten and we still remember that the gave their lives so we could have one better than theirs.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

My About Me 2020!

We were learning about how to make a good looking, quality, and information filled blog post. I found it easy to to make it look nice. I found it hard to make the writing curved. I really enjoyed making making the picture. Next time I need to make sure my GIF works.